Detention facilities harm vulnerable children, many of whom may have become vulnerable due to their situations in their countries of origin. These children may have also become vulnerable during their journeys to other countries and their time in the UK. However, it is not their vulnerability per se that is the problem, but rather the situations they are placed in while in detention. Nick Clegg has referred to detention centers as state-sponsored abuse, which accurately describes the harm being inflicted on children in these facilities. Both psychologically and physically, children suffer during their time in detention, with their experiences in detention having a direct impact on their well-being. In detention facilities, children may witness extreme distress from other detainees and even suicide attempts. The mixed environments can further contribute to their distress, which may then manifest in their own behavior. Studies have shown that children in detention suffer from insomnia, bedwetting, soiling, refusal to eat, and weight loss. These disturbances in their sleep and appetite have ongoing effects on their lives even after they are released from detention centers. Research has shown that mothers and their children continue to experience these effects regardless of the duration of their detention. Recently, a delegation visited the United Nations to explore detention in the UK. It is hoped that the recommendations from the UN, expected to be released in the new year, will address this issue. The hope is for the UN to recognize that child migrants, whether documented or undocumented, including those seeking asylum, should be treated first and foremost as children. Their best interests should always be at the heart of any decisions involving them and their families. It is also important to recognize that liberty is a fundamental human right and therefore detention should be ended worldwide. Detention is unnecessary and harmful,...
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Guidelines for children’s asylum claims Form: What You Should Know
Applicants must qualify for asylum in the following way: Must provide a factual claim for persecution or severe harm. Must establish an association to a person who has or who might claim to have a serious reason for fear of being persecuted if returned or not allowed to return, such as familial relations, religious beliefs, or political beliefs. Must show that the applicant or dependents has a well-founded fear of persecution if returned or is not allowed to return. Must show such severe harm that the applicant or dependent is a danger to others in the country of apprehension; and · Must establish, in a manner to be determined by the Minister or State or Territory as necessary, the applicant's well-founded substantial fear of persecution if returned or is not allowed to return, in the circumstances as to which the Minister is currently evaluating the applicant's claims. Chapter 5: Asylum and Related Relief — Kids in Need of Defense What do I need to do about my parent(s) who are claiming refugee status on my behalf? Gaining Children's Claims — UNHCR Dec 10, 1998 — These guidelines apply primarily to, children under the age of 18 who apply for asylum independent of their parents. The guidelines require that you ask every one of the parent(s), who are looking to come to Canada as refugees, about their refugee status and if any of them are claiming as the spouse or dependent of a sponsor. You should then ask each of these parent(s) if they may come to Canada as a refugee and for any reasons they are inadmissible. Gaining The Right to Asylum — CIC Guidelines for Children Seeking Asylum Dec 8, 2025 — This guidance is to aid Canadian asylum officers in determining if an asylum seeker or parent has a serious crisis and a claim to refugee protection, based on his or her relationship with a person who is determined to be a refugee. The guidance is based on the definition of child in the 1951 Convention, the 1969 Protocol and the 1968 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
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